Parent Info
It is the aim of the class to develop confidence, positive behaviour and independence. We don’t expect the children to arrive all behaving beautifully, joining in with everything and happy all the time. You are bringing them to have fun and learn some simple social skills in a friendly, nurturing environment. The children develop at different rates and it is important to remember that all the class leaders have a real understanding of what babies and pre-school children can achieve.
We will never force your child to take part in an activity. Some children prefer to watch and observe for a few sessions before feeling confident enough to join in. Please never, ever feel “my child is the only one not doing something” – all children develop at a different rate and this has nothing to do with behaviour or intelligence. Gentle coaxing will work – forcing a child to join in before they are ready will not.
If you have any queries, worries or comments please feel free to talk to your class teacher at the end of the session, email or call. We really want every child and parent to have a positive and above all fun time at the Funtrain classes.
Please come for a FREE, NO OBLIGATION TRIAL session. We are sure you will enjoy the unique atmosphere of the classes and we hope parents and carers enjoy the sessions as much as the children. After the free trial, each class costs £8.25 payable termly or half termly in advance.