What’s different about a FunTrain class?
Does your child have a favourite book that you read night after night after night? My children loved The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Cuddly Dudley. Goodness, we must have read them hundreds of times! Children like familiar structure and it’s also important for parents to feel confident about what is happening at Funtrain so they can relax and encourage their children to take part when they are ready. This is why contrary to many other classes of this type, you won’t find dressing up or weekly themes here at Funtrain.
Whilst the atmosphere in our classes is very much about fun and not “teaching”, the babies and children ARE learning really important skills they will transfer to nursery, school and pre-school. We are lucky to collaborate and train with one of the best Behaviour Specialists in the country and to put into practice Positive Behaviour Support (PBS). PBS works well to develop confidence and good listening skills. It is important for the children to know what we would like them to follow but there is no expectation for the children to take part until they are ready. We’re not a performing arts class. Children learn from watching the other children take part and getting praised and our classes meet the needs of babies approaching their first birthday right up to pre-school.
In April this year, we were so excited to celebrate 21 years of delivering our fun, supportive classes and we continue to collaborate and train so we can continue to deliver the best experience for you and your children. If you are looking for the next stage up for your baby after your sensory classes or are curious about what we do, you would be welcome to join us for a free, no-obligation session.
We have many leavers off to school this term who started as babies. They will be so missed but will be leaving us school ready. Such happy memories. That is what we aim to do. Have a fun, relaxed morning with your child.
Peggy Heron